Wednesday, October 24, 2007

In reading the first 5 chapters of the book of Joshua, I was struck by the fact that the Israelites had to cross two impossible rivers, the Red Sea to get out of Egypt, and the Jordan River to get into Canaan. At the time of their crossing, the rivers were at flood stage so the miracle of God stopping the waters for them to cross on dry ground must have been pretty awe inspiring. What struck me, though, was the Israelites needed God to help them cross the impossible river of leaving Egypt AND the impossible river of entering the promised land. It reminds me of our dilemma. We need Christ to escape from the old (sin, death, spiritual bondage) AND we need Christ to gain the new (reconciliation with God, life, spiritual freedom and relationship). Christ bridges both rivers for us: the river of death and wrath and the river of life and love. Through Him only we walk through both rivers on dry ground. Thank you, Jesus.

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